My life

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Film making

I'm off to downtown, where I'll be filming the ArtWalk and ask people to tell my camera what they like about Corpus Christi, what they don't like, and why they chose to live here. Hopefully, I'll be successful getting a lot of positive feedback.

That will mark my debut as amateur film maker. I'll edit all my footage and post it on the net after. Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rita and little Jacques

Hi everybody!

Our baby is going to be a boy! His name will be Jacques Charles Salin. Cara was in charge of finding a middle name, so all complaints about that should be directed to her. I think Charles is a good middle name, though.

Now, people will want to know why we are dropping "de l'Etoile" as a last name. Well, first of all, the "de l'Etoile" part of my family is now almost non existant. Second, it's a hell to have that kind of name in the United States. I personnaly have to spell my name everyday and I'm tired of it. Third, it's an hommage to Patrick, my adoptive father.

Project Luca is dead, long live Jacques!

To my family (in french)

Salut à toute la famille!

L'ouragan Rita va passer au nord de Houston, ce qui élimine tout danger pour nous. Si tout se passe comme prévu, nous n'aurons pas besoin d'évacuer.

La maison est complètement placardée. Ça fait drôle... Il fait très noir à l'intérieur. Peut-être qu'on va jouer aux cartes durant l'orage ou écouter un film. C'est très romantique maintenant que le danger est quelque peu écarté.

Allez voir la trajectoire de Rita, c'est très intéressant!

Donc pour le moment, on va rester où on est. Si la trajectoire change et que Rita décide de venir nous voir, on va déguerpire, c'est sur!

Je m'ennuie de vous tous!

À la prochaine!