My life

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Monterey to San Luis Obispo

Hello from San Luis Obispo!

I left you all last time wondering if I'd commit suicide without an internet connection. Well, fear not, I found a connection. Our host doesn't have one, but somebody around here has got one that isn't secured. Connecting to it was a piece of cake.

Now if you take a look on the right, you will see Monterey with fog floating over. The sun is hot, so I had to change from a long sleeve shirt to a T-shirt, but as soon as the sun hides behind that fog, you need to change your clothes again. So here is my guide on what kind of clothes to bring to California.

You need your whole freaking wardrobe!
And a jacket...

We stoped at the Cannery Row Inn for the night. Perfect little place, near the water and pricy restaurants, yummy! They also say Monterey is home to the best Aquarium in the Country, so we didn't stop to see it, even though it was within walking distance.

This is a picture of the scenery near the Cannery Row Inn.

We hit the road at 10am sharp the next day after an okay breakfast and head south where we hope we won't need our sweaters anymore. I mean, it's August! Okay, okay, I'll stop complaining about it. It is actually a nice change from the "blisteringly hot" weather of South Texas.

We stopped in Big Sur to hike some trails in the National park. Pretty. Enjoy those pictures!

Talk to you all later!
Enjoy your life at work!


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