My life

Saturday, February 25, 2006

the baby, part III

Pictures of the baby, taken at home. You can see the baby is a little yellowish. He's got a small jaundice (jaunisse en français).

He doesn't like to have alcohol on his umbelical cord (cordon ombélical).
He doesn't like to have his diaper changed.
He doesn't like it at all when the doctors poke his heel for blood tests.

He likes hanging out with us when he's awake.
He likes drinking breast milk.
He likes sleeping.

He doesn't cry too much.

I can't wait until I can understand everything he's trying to say to us.


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  • Hello,
    Primo ta femme est très belle et secondo ton petit Jacques est à croquer..
    Toutes mes félicitations aux heureux parents....
    Maï (amie de Ben de la suisse)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:26 PM  

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